The fifth element in hip-hop culture is knowledge. Knowledge is an element created by Afrika Bambattaa, also known as the, “Godfather of Hip-Hop,” holds the four hip-hop elements in the context of authenticity in hip-hop culture.  Without knowledge, there is no meaning involved in the expressed artistic elements. Tagging street walls without knowledge is viewed as vandalism instead of beauty. Hip-hop rappers are not able to speak on political and social issues without educating themselves with the knowledge. Furthermore, the element of knowledge helps bridge mainstream society and the hip-hop community. It allows hip-hop artists to find their identity and express their creative form to empower, advocate, and educate the mass listeners. Overall, knowledge can be only be obtained by individuals committed to opening a book and decolonizing their minds. Asian American hip-hop artists such as Magnetic North, Bambu, Mondega, Moutain Brothers, and many more have showed their love and respect to hip-hop culture and eradicating ignorance within society.

In the words of Faisal Ahmed, “Remember, knowledge is infinite, and there is no power greater than the power of the mind, but it`s up to you as an individual to use it.”

(Photo designed by Zulu Nation)

(Photo designed by Katrina Orpilla)


  1. The True Meaning of Hip-Hop Culture by Afrika Bambattaa

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